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A photo of a Dani holding a glass of wine in a Saludi glass.

A note from Dani - Founder Saludi Glassware 

As a Latina, I grew up gathering with family and friends, toasting to life’s great moments. Whether it’s birthdays, holidays, weddings, or you name it, there was always a reason for bringing our community together and for celebrating. 

That is why I started Saludi in Denver, CO - to bring our community together and support each other with products that are way too pretty not to be used. We took a new approach and created products that inspire through colorful beauty (and make drinking more fun). Our work is showing that there’s more than the black and white of life, but a gorgeous spectrum of colorful and beautiful moments.  

Cheers l Salud l Saúde to stylish and unforgettable celebrations!  

Dani and the Saludi team 💕 

Learn more


What is the meaning behind the name Saludi? 

We wanted a name that helped define the celebratory and joyfulness of our company and products. In Spanish, “salud” means: “health,” “wealth,” and “security.” Salud is used to say “Cheers!” (“To your health!”), and this encouragement is something we wanted to embody as an organization.

Your products are beautiful

Thank you! We aim to create beautiful products that will actually be used, not tucked away in some cabinet to never see the light of day. If it’s pretty enough to leave out, we think that we'll naturally find more reasons to celebrate and bring people together.By the way, we LOVE seeing pictures of how you display your glassware, so feel free to tag us @saludiglassware!